Friday, July 13, 2012

CAS-ual Fridays #61

Huge surprise to me that I am back today for another challenge, especially since I am leaving tomorrow on a road trip to Chicago. Long, happy, sad story... have my first daughter, daughter grows up, she goes to college, we move away from that college, she stays at the college, she graduates from college and finds a wonderful job near her college. So I am happy for her success and so very proud of the wonderful job she will be starting as a pediatric nurse. I am so sad she is getting an apartment 800 miles away from us. Couldn't she commute?

The challenge this week is to use strips of colors or pattern in your Clean and Simple Design. I just so happened to have rub-on's by K&Company. I have never used rub-on's on a card but I loved how easy it was to do. (I feel I cheated a little bit.) I also didn't make a card but a little note pad for my daughter to leave on her bookcase at the door in her apartment. She can use it for making little notes or for her shopping list. The colors match the vase we bought for the bookcase.

I made the cover from two pieces of card stock so it is nice and firm and wrapped it around the tablet.
Maybe she will drop me a note in the mail?!?!

I cried when I made this for her. Haha - no surprise. She is my love. I am happy that she has succeeded so far in life. I am glad that I can help her move, starting tomorrow. I guess I have been helping her move for years.  : (

Check out CAS-ual Friday's blog to see all the great cards over there and add some work of your own!

Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to leave a comment!


  1. I love how you turned this into a sweet :0)
    the faux stitching rub ons look just fabulous and really match the design :0)
    Thanks for getting crafty with us at CASual Fridays :0)
    Jenny x

  2. What an elegant card Jeanne! Love the colors and that cute pad inside. :)

  3. hey, i know that girl you're talking about! :)

    i look at that notepad everyday, and i did actually write my target shopping list on it.. chicken, vegetables, chicken broth, and pie crust - homemade chicken pot pie for eric and i!

  4. miss you every day katie... still making your list?


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